
agromyzidae larva measures

 Japanese home garden、 healthiest vegetables、veggies、agromyzidae larva 、 measures、

agromyzidae larva measures

A white streak-like pattern appears on the leaves.

agromyzidae larva streaks on leaves

Parssy vegetables Parasitize various vegetables (eggplants, tomatoes, green soybeans etc.)

Infestation April to November

Parasitic environment The activity slows down when it is cold, but it flies around otherwise.

If left unattended ¡After messing up the leaves, it becomes a willow and falls under the leaves.

Corrective action
・ Since there is a larvae at the end of the white stripe, crush it.
・ Cut off the leaves that have been parasitized. (At this time, let's check to see if the pupa has fallen under the leaves.)
・ Prepare a yellow bucket nearby and place water in it. (agromyzidae have a habit of approaching yellow things, so they can fall into the water and catch them. Let's change the water from time to time.
・ agromyzidae is not good at sparkling things such as aluminum foil, so it is effective around the vegetables and the roots (it is effective to place the light reflecting on the leaves)





Homemade drugs

Garlic & pepper insect repellent
A pinch of dried chili (6-7 pieces), ground raw Put garlic 25g and vinegar 250ml in a jar for 3 months. When using, dilute with water about 300 times and spray with a spray. (It seems to have an insect repellent effect.)


(※Japanese is translated into English by translation software. I am sorry if it is strange English.)

Evaluation of handmade drugs


Use handmade drugs to report if they are effective.

Please wait for a while now.

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